Premium supermarket chain SuperBrugsen used a holographic display to promote a selected high-quality red wine, in one of their main stores in central Copenhagen. Despite the award-winning reputation and a central in-store placement in dedicated wine department with lots of traffic from customers, the wine had historically been a low performer regarding sales numbers.

"People stop and read about the wine now, and we’ve actually sold 6 times as many bottles after we installed the display in the store"
Kim Qvistorff, Store Manager & Sommelier

Installing a holographic display instantly created more attention around the particular wine, making customers stop and read about the details and flavour nuances in depth. During the installation, no additional price promotion was offered to entice customers to purchase.
Using the same in-store placement and same price point of €27 as previously, the store implemented a holographic display for two weeks and instantly saw a dramatic boost in sales of 6 times as many bottles.